Extreme to help clubs improve fan experience and operational efficiency by making the network the backbone of strategic initiatives
MORRISVILLE, N.C., November 16, 2023 – Extreme Networks (https://www.extremenetworks.com/?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_home&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=home), Inc. (Nasdaq: EXTR), a leader in cloud networking, today announced that two NHL clubs (https://www.extremenetworks.com/resources/video/investor-day-panel-2023?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_NHL-PennMed-ID&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=NHL-PennMed-ID) will deploy Extreme Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E-ready solutions to improve fan experiences, streamline arena operations and gain actionable insights to create more personalized fan experiences and sponsorship opportunities. The Wells Fargo Center, home of the Philadelphia Flyers and Philadelphia 76ers, and Canada Life Centre, home of the Winnipeg Jets, chose Extreme solutions to deliver high-speed, high-capacity, low latency connectivity for fans and club officials. The deployment at the Wells Fargo Center will be completed in partnership with Comcast Business. Extreme is the Official Wi-Fi Analytics Provider and an Official Wi-Fi Partner of the NHL (https://www.extremenetworks.com/solutions/sports-and-public-venues/nhl?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_NHL&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=NHL).
Key Facts
– Fast, Reliable Wi-Fi for Modern Fan Experiences: Almost 800 Wi-Fi 6 (https://www.extremenetworks.com/solutions/wireless-access/wifi6?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_WiFi6&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=WiFi6) and Wi-Fi 6E (https://www.extremenetworks.com/solutions/wireless-access/wifi-6e?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_WiFi6E&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=WiFi6E) access points (APs), in addition to Extreme Universal Switches (https://www.extremenetworks.com/solutions/wired-access/universal-platforms?utm_campaign=24_PR_NHL-Flyers-Jets_0000_CORP_AAD_REF_LPG_WW_EN_PRE_Universal&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=NHL-Flyers-Jets&utm_content=Universal), are deployed across the Flyers and Jets arenas ensuring consistent and reliable connectivity throughout each venue. With high-bandwidth Wi-Fi, fans will be able to seamlessly access mobile tickets, social media, online sports betting applications and mobile concessions. For arena operations teams, improved Wi-Fi will enable better connectivity for ticket scanners, portable card readers, staff communications, security cameras and help detect location-based information like the flow of foot traffic.
– Easily Tap into Fan Preferences with Network Analytics: Because Extreme is the Official Wi-Fi Analytics Provider of the NHL, the Flyers and Jets will have access to ExtremeAnalytics, enabling them to quickly organize and leverage network usage data around popular applications, high-traffic areas in the arena and moments of peak user activity. It provides insights into network performance and potential issues and allows customers to pinpoint Wi-Fi performance and usage trends across the arena. These insights help NHL clubs to make decisions around what areas in the venue may require more staff, which applications may be beneficial for future marketing partnerships and what types of between-play programming to prioritize to increase fan engagement.
– Foundation for Future Technology Investments: Technology-reliant amenities like mobile tickets and self-serve checkouts are quickly becoming more common, and venues have begun to look at adopting new technology such as biometrics, AR and VR and in-seat mobile concessions. Extreme Wi-Fi solutions create a foundation to support and scale the network to meet these new demands and use cases, while Universal Switches enable IT teams to quickly swap out their OS depending on changing use cases so they can be agile and minimize future equipment costs.
Executive Perspectives
Dan Gill, IT Director, True North Sports & Entertainment, Winnipeg Jets
„There are many elements to making gameday a success. The network is a key strategic enabler of the fan experience because it is the backbone of mobile ticketing, mobile concessions, video streaming, interactive engagement, security and more. Extreme Wi-Fi 6E will become a backbone to our operations and provide us the bandwidth and performance we need to ensure that all of our current and future technology initiatives are impactful and memorable. We“re also excited about the potential of analytics to better operationalize insights associated with fan preferences to identify operational efficiencies and new revenue opportunities.“
Ed Meyercord, President and Chief Executive Officer, Extreme Networks
„The Wells Fargo Center and Jets are taking a huge leap forward by investing in Extreme Wi-Fi 6 and 6E to enhance the way fans experience the game. The network is not just about connectivity, it“s the critical enabler of new technology, safety and security, innovation and immersive fan engagement. Wi-Fi insights and analytics become a strategic gateway to uncover new sponsorship and revenue opportunities and to personalize the gameday experience. Together with the Flyers and Jets, we“ll work to push the boundaries of the network to drive next-generation fan experiences.“
Did You Know?
– Extreme is a trusted provider of venue solutions, delivering high-performance Wi-Fi and analytics to leagues including the NFL, the MLB, Minor League Baseball, NASCAR, Manchester United and Liverpool Football Club.
– Extreme is the only vendor in the industry with Universal Platforms. Universal Platforms increase flexibility and reduce hardware obsolescence by allowing customers to gradually adopt new technologies or change their desired use case by changing the software while preserving hardware and associated licenses.
NHL and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the property of the NHL and its teams. Copyright NHL 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Über Extreme Networks
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR) ist ein führender Anbieter cloudbasierter Netzwerklösungen mit dem Fokus, Lösungen und Services bereitzustellen, die Geräte, Anwendungen und Menschen auf innovative Weise miteinander verbinden. Durch den Einsatz von Machine Learning, Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), Analytik und der Automatisierung erweitern wir die Grenzen der Technologie. Weltweit vertrauen über 50.000 Kunden auf die cloudbasierten End-to-End Netzwerklösungen sowie die Services und den Support von Extreme Networks, um ihre digitalen Transformationsinitiativen zu beschleunigen und nie zuvor dagewesene Ergebnisse zu erreichen.
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